Neighbours Band ( has released our first album of originals! Search for the album title Winter (Longing for Peace) on Apple Music or iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music or Youtube Music.
Neighbours Band continues high energy live gigs with covers of popular artists at community events and parties. Our album releases allow our original songwriting to respond to the storms of current issues that continue to rush at us. So the Winter album is a bit serious like the times. Its genre is hard to pin down – blending many styles – lets just call it singer/songwriter.
Two years ago in 2023, we were anticipating a 23 Stories album with 23 originals. Its now 2025 but good things take time – with recording and production moving slowly between fun live gigs, jobs, families, travels and enjoying our wonderful Vancouver Island.
Songwriting has continued, and now Dave, Mick, John and Jaime in Neighbours Band are planning several short album releases this year.
Watch our website for updates! Posts, lyric videos and other album releases will continue through the seasons of 2025.